How to replace the KOOV app with the new PC version
Step 0: Check if your browser is compatible
Check if your browser is supported at “What are the system requirements for using KOOV?”, and download or update the browser as needed.
Step 1: Install the new KOOV app (PC version) *available from Nov. 27, 2024, 12:00 p.m.
Visit the KOOV app download page to install.
Step 2: Uninstall the previous version of the app
About the use of KOOV app
- About the new KOOV app (PC version)
- What are the system requirements for using KOOV?
- How to replace the KOOV app with the new PC version
- Using the new KOOV Chrome app (for Chromebook users)
- What are the devices on which the app may not operate?
- With what picture and movie format is KOOV compatible?
- With what kind of equipment can I use Bluetooth®?
- How long does it take for code to be sent through USB/Bluetooth®?
- Can I run the KOOV app with WindowsRT?
- Can I run KOOV on Android?